Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Jamison's Recordings  captain perfect  McGill 2003 
 2. St. Irenaeus of Lyons  Ch. 16: Proofs from the Apostolic Writings that Jesus Christ Was One and the Same, the Only Begotten Son of God, Perfect God and Perfect Man.  Against Heresies (Book III) 
 3. Dr. Ivan Misner  Episode 69: Perfect Practice Makes Perfect  The Official BNI Podcast 
 4. Grant Kirkhope  Perfect Dark - Perfect Menu   
 5. Mark E. Moon  We're Going Down, Captain   
 6. Glenn Case  Captain S    
 7. Glenn Case  Captain S    
 8. Emptyeye  Captain SR-406  Musical Doodlings of a College Kid 
 9. Big Tree  Captain Ted  Room One 
 10. Emptyeye  Captain SR-406  Musical Doodlings of a College Kid 
 11. Idlewild  Captain  Captain (MP3)   
 12. Idlewild  El Captain     
 13. Idlewild  El Captain  Warnings/ Promises   
 14. Guster  Captain  Acoustic Show on NPR  
 15. Guster  The Captain  2007-04-24 Water Street Music Hall Rochester, NY   
 16. Mark E. Moon  We're Going Down, Captain   
 17. Steel Force  I'm Your Captain  Demo 
 18. Glenn Case  Captain S    
 19. Robert Church & The Holy Community  Captain D  Le Rouge 
 20. Too Hip For The Room  The Captain's Log  The Captain's Log 
 21. Benalto  The Captain   
 22. John Benjamin Big Face  Do It For Captain  SongFight Plain & Tall LIVE! 
 23. The Consumer Goods  Captain, Oh Captain  Pop Goes the Pigdog! 
 24. Howard Kilik  Oh Captain, My Captain  Cantus 
 25. add music  do it for captain  SONG FIGHT! 
 26. Big Low  Captain No 1  Ghost Hunt Migration 
 27. The Electric Soft Parade  The Captain [*]  The Human Body EP 
 28. Chapter 9  My Captain  A Piece of Cake 
 29. Captain Swank and the Jesus Monkey  Do It For Captain!  SONGFIGHT 
 30. Glenn Case  Captain S    
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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